Our Services

  • Logistics
  • Transportation
  • Storage
  • Treatment
  • Application

NO WASTE provides a client-tailored services and active engagement in the preparation of different documentation and the permitting procedure with competent authorities and organisations. In preparing a project, our team with state-of-the-art experience complies with good engineering practice and legislation governing this field.


  • Local self-governments
  • Public utilities companies
  • Electric power industry companies
  • Metallurgy industry companies
  • Wood industry companies
  • Food industry companies

NO WASTE business activity highly contributes to the reduction of emissions into the environment, in line with the IPPC Directive of the European Commission (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) and the BAT reference documents for the selection of the best economically feasible techniques which are generally applicable and may be used by entities from different industries in order to achieve the set objectives in the field of environmental protection – saving natural resources, minimizing and recycling waste and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.