The time has come for all of us to constantly,
protect the planet from being completely destroyed.
Let’s move…

About us

for a clean environment
NO WASTE d.o.o. Belgrade is a consulting and engineering company active in the fields of environmental protection.

The core activity of the company is selection of strategy for special waste flow management, from the generation of waste, handling procedure, transportation, storage, proper technological treatment and its reuse by “waste-to-resource” concept.

Waste-to-resource concept is the answer to unsolved problems in the fields of waste management and treatment and the growing volumes of waste on landfills. Expansion of landfill sites threatens to endanger the fragile ecological balance meant to be achieved by developed countries within the concept of sustainable development.

Waste-to-resource concept is much broader than waste-to-energy approach, and is based on the understanding that by the use of new technologies, certain waste types provide new opportunities and additional potentials. Waste generated in one technological process may be converted to be a feedstock for another process.

The concept includes a separate approach for each type of waste, analysis of disposal possibilities and the assessment of resource value which may be obtained in additional treatment, with the aim of reducing the risks from certain types of waste for ecological balance.

NO WASTE is ``project management`` company employing a professional team with a long-standing experience in project management activities in different industries and environments, and ready to use an innovative technological and organisational approach with the aim of providing significant contribution in solving the wicked ecological problem.


Pursuant to the Waste Management Act (“Official Gazette RS” No. 36/09, 88/10), waste management is defined as the implementation of the prescribed measures, proper waste management procedure in the collection, transport and waste disposal, reuse and storage, including the supervision of these activities and landfill post-closure care programme.

Waste management is performed so to ensure the minimum risk to the environment and human lives and health, by providing control and measures to reduce water, air and soil pollution, threats to both flora and fauna, threats from accidents, fire or explosion, negative impacts on the landscape and unique natural assets, noise levels and unpleasant odours.

As a company operating in the sector, NO WASTE contributes to the achievement of national objectives in the field of waste management and is committed to reuse waste as raw material which may be broadly employed in different sectors such as construction, energy, agriculture...

The essential idea is to use as much as possible any kind of non-hazardous waste, such as biodegradable waste, industrial, agricultural, mineral waste and waste generated in energy plants, with the aim of providing valuable resources that may be reused. In addition to significant cost-effectiveness of this approach, contribution to the reduction of environmental pollution and living environment degradation is a matter of great importance.

For the waste to be seen as new raw material, it must be treated by a physical, thermal, chemical or biological process. The appropriate process significantly must change the initial characteristics in order to reduce the wastes volume, reduce its hazardous nature, facilitate its handling or enhance its recovery.




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Ljubljanska 32, Beograd